eHANDBAGS is the only store you need to visit when searching for a new handbag. With new bags arriving weekly, they sell backpacks, slings, clutches, shoulder and tote bags. You're able to shop by colour, brand or the best sellers. They ship all around Australia and you're most likely to receive your new bag within a week.
I had a difficult time trying to choose a new black bag, but when my eyes wandered across the Adelle In Leather, I knew I had to have it. I used to have a similar bag, so I was interested to see how this one would compare. The difference is astounding. The Adelle is exceptional quality, perfect inside and out. I couldn't have asked for a better bag. I love that I can wear it close to my body with the handles, or slung over my shoulder with the long strap. The outside zip pocket is perfect for my phone and train ticket, and there are several inner sections to keep everything organised. Love it!
Check out the store to see if your dream handbag is waiting there for you!
that bag is so lovely :)