Brought to you by Nuffnang and Alphatise
I'm excited to share with you a brand new app to get downloading!
Alphatise is a global first in how users buy and sell products. Basically, the buyer has the
opportunity to tell the seller the product they want to buy and the price they
are prepared to pay for it. If the seller agrees and the deal is offered, the
sale can be made. No more pushing for bargains, it's all made simple in this easy to use app.
How would you like 40% off at stores like Country Road, Witchery, Myer, Zara and Glue Store? What about paying less than $10 for an OPI nail polish? Wish you could get all the make up brushes you need for cheap? Or a GHD straightener for less than the RRP?
It's all a possibility with Alphatise.
Let these brands know how much you want to pay and you never know, your wish could be granted! With millions of products from fashion to beauty, home wares, technology, sport, lifestyle, food and more - the app will let you know if your desired price or percentage off is realistic or not.
Since downloading the app myself I've been wishing for discounts at my favourite stores, and cheaper prices on a few things I've been looking at buying (eg. Marc Jacobs Daisy, Chanel No.5, Lucas Pawpaw, Kora Organics). I'm all for finding sweet deals, jumping on sales and shopping when there's a discount going on. I love how this app has most of my favourite stores all in one place. If an item isn't there that you want to buy, they want you to request it!
Interested in giving it a go? Search "Alphatise" in the App store on your iPhone or jump onto the Alphatise website to download it for your android device. You can also find them on Facebook.
x Vanessa

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