Festival Spirit + A New App To Try
With the weather warming up one thing that comes to mind are summer music festivals... and then my usual question, what to wear?! Above are a couple of pieces to get inspired by. Kimonos, tanks, amazing prints and sleek accessories.
Another brilliant part of a music festival is sharing the experience with friends. Sure you can text... you can spend ages trying to find where everyone is... you can take photos to upload later... you can use up your calling minutes. But what fun is that? A new app that's popped up recently to make communicating with your friends that much easier and fun is called WeChat.
WeChat has all kinds of things going on - free video calls, a walkie talkie function, a friend finder and group chat. You can create voice recordings while you're listening to your favourite band, share moments instantly on facebook or twitter, catch up with someone face to face, and you can even find new friends nearby to talk to as well.
I always like trying out new apps like this. Living quite far away from my family makes an app like this perfect for me if I want to see their faces and don't have an unlimited phone plan. I thought the video above was a pretty cute example of how it works.
You can find WeChat in the app store on your phone (just search for it) and even better... it's free :)
x Vanessa

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