HP Bend The Rules of Fashion
As a fashion blogger you would think my life was purely about clothes and clothes only. Not quite. Every day I challenge myself to make my life more fulfilling, to explore, to expand, to stay true to myself and to do more of what I love. You only have one life, so why not fill it up with as much as you possibly can?
HP have encouraged me to think about how I bend the rules in fashion, and I would have to say through my creativity, through not always following the crowd, and through the love of what I do.
Fashion can be defined by how you dress, the hair on your head, the decor surrounding you or your everyday behaviour. My rule when it comes to fashion is simple - follow what's out there but bend it your own way. Be who you want, wear what you want and say what you want. You don't always have to do what everyone else is doing - bend fashion however you want to make it exactly how you wish to perceive it.
The only rule I have as a blogger is to keep creating, and I bend that daily by incorporating as many aspects of my interests into this one space I have on the internet.
Not only do I live for fashion, I also live for beauty - makeup, perfume, nail polish, and skincare. I live for design - graphics, colour, fonts and coding. I live for wellbeing - food, exercise, mind and spirit. I live every day for inspiration and happiness. There are too many amazing things in this world to let anyone close you in to just one category, if that's not all you want to be.
Fashion isn't just runway trends. Fashion is everywhere. From the products you use to the books you read, the people you see and the music you hear. Every day we choose how to interpret fashion into our daily lives and it's through that choice that we become the unique people that we are.
HP are running a competition to find out how you "Bend The Rules In Fashion". All you have to do is post a pic, tweet or video on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Youtube (one will do!) and tag #BendTheRulesAustralia . This can be anything from a mis-matched outfit to what you get up to every day fashion-wise.
There are heaps of spot prizes to be won (eg. Beats Headphones, movie tickets) and the most creative entry will win a HP Envy x2!
Entries close 15th December.
Terms & Conditions
How do you bend the rules?
x Vanessa

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