My Daily Essentials

Typo Notebook, Prada Glasses, Sportsgirl Phone Case, Mac Lipstick "Angel",
Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette, Sportsgirl Watch, Chloe Perfume, ASOS Wallet

These would have to be some of my favourite and most used possessions. The glasses were a Christmas gift from my boyfriend last year and they're the first pair I've had that I prefer to wear over contact lenses. They make the glasses I used to have look so dorky haha.

The Too Faced palette is slowly wearing away. I've hit the pan in the white shade and after wearing a bronze eye using "Push-Up" almost every day for a few months, that colour has almost reached the bottom as well.

I love the rose gold accessories Sportsgirl brought out this year and the phone case and watch have been my favourites. I've had this ASOS wallet for a couple of years now and it's still in such good condition. My first MAC lipstick hasn't been a disappointment. I definitely want more!

The gold spotty print on the Typo notebook is just a cute addition to my bag if I ever need to jot anything down.

x Vanessa


  1. This is such a stunning photograph! I stared at it for so long just taking in all the detail. You can really see how much you love the Too Faced palette, it is one I have wanted to pick up for awhile! x
