6 Ways To Be More Productive

productive blogging

Since taking on my blog full time, I feel like productivity has been my biggest struggle. When you're at home a lot with nobody to bounce off, you need to develop a routine to balance your work life and relaxation time, otherwise nothing gets done. My main issue seems to be that I have so many things that I want to do, to the point of feeling overwhelmed by it all. So I end up just sitting there, thinking of everything I want to achieve instead of actually doing it.

At the beginning of this week I sat down and thought, "You know what? The only person who can make this work for you, is you!" I want to blog, create videos, keep up with every social media account. When you're doing it all, it's a lot of work, really fast-paced and you have to think on your feet, otherwise you'll be left behind. That's the only thing I hate about the social media world... how fast it moves! So here are some things that kicked off my working week, and it's surprising how helpful they are.

Background Noise
If you work at a computer, you'll know just how easy it is to be distracted. Luckily for myself (and hopefully you too), I found this website called Noisli which allows you to listen to background noise, completely free. Just like a meditation app where you can play the sound of the rain, or birds or the ocean, this is a similar concept with sounds designed to help you focus, and in turn boost productivity.
My favourite sound would have to be the rain with a little bit of thunder. There's just something about it that makes me want to get stuff done. I also love how they have the sound of being in a coffee shop. With that bustle of everything going on around you, it kind of makes you feel like you should be doing something as well, while focusing you in on the task in front of you.

be more productive with background noise from Noisli

Social Media Scheduling
If you're trying to keep up with every social media account, while still needing time to create blog posts or videos, then websites that schedule your social media will be like a personal assistant for you. We could all do with one of those :)
In a previous job I used Hootsuite, which enabled me to schedule an array of Facebook posts throughout the day and night (to target the peak times of other parts of the world) and I always felt so good seeing how ahead of myself I was. It meant that content wasn't restricted to 9-5 work hours. There was a constant flow of content appearing every few hours of the day and night, along with weekends. I've just signed up with the free version of Buffer to see how that goes, as I'm interested in scheduling tweets as well.
Alternatively, you are able to schedule Facebook posts right on Facebook. A scheduling website is great though if you want to keep track of everything in the one place.

A few months ago when I did the update on my PC, I discovered the calendar. I've had this computer for a few years now *major eye roll*. Whether you have a PC or a Mac, there will be a built in calendar right there waiting for you, so make use of it! It's the perfect way to plan out your blog posts for the week, or even for the month. You can plan posts to go up for particular events throughout the year (Valentines Day, Black Friday etc.) and you'll just feel so much more organised.

To-Do List
One of the best ways to be more productive in your day is to write a list! When you physically jot down what you want to achieve for the day on paper it gives you that little push to grab the pen throughout the day and cross each line off. If you're more digitally influenced, then there are a few great options. Firstly, the Notes app on your phone is a no-brainer. It's free, you can use emojis, choose which background you want and email the list to yourself if you need. I also bought an app (I think it was only a few dollars) called A-Note which has a super cute layout, the ability to categorise your notes and add drawings or voice memos. Desktop-wise, I have signed up (for free) to To-Do List.

Alcohol? Maybe just on Friday arvo :)
I'm an avid coffee drinker, which can't be good for me whatsoever. But if it does the trick, then I'm happy to continue. And it does. Having that warm mug of goodness on my desk makes me feel comfortable and relaxed to work. If I feel like I've had too much in a day, I'll replace it with a jug of refrigerated water and a glass. I definitely find taking sips of coffee or water helps to keep me going, and is certainly better than snacking all day.

Hair Up
Maybe this is just me, but I've found that when my hair is up and out of my face I feel like I'm ready to work. Especially when it's hot, the last thing you want is hair dragging you down. Keep a hair tie at your desk and see if it helps!

x Vanessa


Stock background image via AshleyEllaDesign.com


  1. I've associated coffee with waking up and being productive, so I find making a cup can definitely get me back on track when I'm struggling. x


  2. Great tips! I might just use some of these myself! x

  3. Just saw your video on YouTube about starting a blog and I'd just like to say they those tips were really helpful. I do have a blog, but I'm still tweaking and fixing it to what I want to cater to my readers. Also, I'd like to add thats your tips above are so useful and I will DEFINITELY be incorporating them into my blogging routine!
    Thanks so much!
    Just in case you'd want to check out the blog https://curiouscurlys.wordpress.com/

  4. Love the hair up tip! I have never thought of that before. But I agree, I feel way more productive when my hair is out of my face
