ASOS Wishlist | February

Hello February! The last month of Summer and the time when all the poor guys out there think they have to buy their partner flowers haha... for the last few years back when I lived in Sydney I enjoyed getting into the city on Valentines Day arvo literally just to see all these guys carrying a bouquet of flowers to take home. So cute.

I can't find overly too much on ASOS that I love at the moment but I adore that blush coloured dress and the fluffy dressing gown. I feel like as it rolls into Autumn it might be nice to start reading again. I've really lost touch with books as I'm always online and I feel like I'm constantly reading or typing, so my time offline I guess I don't want to be straining my eyes on a book? But I do miss the feeling of getting so caught up in one that you can't put it down.

x Vanessa

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