Introducing Blog Pixie

Hi everyone!

Sorry I've been missing for the last week! I was stuck into creating a new blog/website for bloggers/creatives/businesses (and anyone else who might be interested) called BLOG PIXIE.

It's not entirely finished, but definitely up and going, so thought I'd start sharing it around. I'll be posting there weekly, as well as here of course! I just wanted to split the content up in case there's anyone here at Flip And Style who prefers the usual beauty, fashion and lifestyle posts and doesn't want to be bombarded with blogging advice :)

Blog Pixie will be packed with blogging tips and tricks, business advice, workspace inspo, social media tips and freebies. There's a new Youtube Channel and a Pinterest to inspire you as well.

If you like what you see, please give Blog Pixie a follow with Bloglovin so you don't miss a post!

x Vanessa

1 comment

  1. I love this idea! Especially as a new blogger x
