A new season for me means trying new skincare. I like to adapt to the climate by testing out new formulas, ingredients and brands to see what my skin responds well to.
I have to say my skin has been so bad over the past couple of weeks and I have no idea why. Usually it's combination-dry with the typical monthly hormonal chin breakout. Instead it's been oily, which I haven't experienced in years. I haven't changed my diet so all I can guess is it's a combination of heat and stress. I've had terrible little bumps all up the sides of my face and I can honestly say since using the below products, they have reduced.
Musq Cosmetics had caught my eye on Instagram several times and then I found them on The Organic Project. The sleek, monochrome packaging with the bold, intriguing logo. I really wanted these products in my bathroom, purely from an aesthetic point of view. When I had a look into this brand to see what it was all about, I found out their products were natural, ethical, Australian made/owned plus had some really nice ingredients.
Let me fill you in on which product I think may have worked the magic, (and it wasn't the one I originally thought).
I started off my new skincare routine with the Musq Cream Cleanser, packaged perfectly in a black pump bottle. Over the years I've tried both cream and gel cleansers. I've found that the gel cleansers tend to end up at the back of the bathroom cupboard, while the cream ones are used up to the last drop. I think it's a trial and error process when it comes to cleanser. You need to find something that feels like it's getting through to every last pore, while showing your skin some love.
The Musq Cream Cleanser has jojoba, rose and grapefruit, and you all know how much I love grapefruit.
The Musq Rosewater Facial Mist is the first spray toner I've tried and I love the feeling of spritzing it onto my face. It's refreshing, hydrating and smells wonderful. This product is perfect for calming sensitive and irritated skin so I thought it would be best to include it in a new skincare routine. My skin is sensitive, and therefore I never know what trying new products will do to it. I think it's been the perfect balancing product to ease my way into this new routine. It's also nice to keep on my desk to spray whenever I feel my face needs a freshen-up.
When I first tried this product, it scared me. After smoothing it onto my toned skin, it started to tingle. My skin felt tight and unusual so I freaked out. I can't remember if I've mentioned this before, but when I first tried the Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Scrub a few years ago, I broke out in an intense allergic reaction. I had the same tight feeling, but my whole face puffed up like crazy and peeled. It was soooooo bad. Ever since I've been so cautious trying new products. After trying this gel moisturiser, I thought the same thing was happening. I quickly grabbed a night cream and slathered it over the top. There was no reaction though thank goodness.
The next morning I just decided to go with it, leave it to do it's thing. I'd gone back onto the Musq website to double check the ingredients and they had mentioned in the description that it does have a tight feeling. I couldn't find a single bad review on the product so I felt assured that it must be okay. Now after using it all week I realised that this has to be the product that cleared up my skin. Those little bumps have gone down and I'd say give it a week, they'll be completely gone. I feel like the ingredients combine to moisturise what's necessary on your skin while absorbing any excess oils. I'm now used to the tightness after applying it as well.
Bad skin = bad makeup, so I'm so happy that something did the trick!
x Vanessa
The packaging design is stunning! Beautiful photographs too xx