Let's Catch Up

The past two weeks have absolutely flown by and I feel a bit of a catch up post is necessary, as I tend to go missing for a few weeks at a time quite often lately. I've been up to a lot, probably too much, so I thought I'd fill you in on it all in case you're wondering, "what does she DO all day?" 😊 .

I'm currently running an Etsy shop, an eBook, two blogs, two Pinterest accounts, a Creative Market shop and an Instagram account. My days are spent responding to customers, installing blog templates, creating new products, taking photos for blog posts, writing blog posts, marketing my products and liking lots of Instagram pics. Trying to keep up with everything is crazy, but I am so enjoying it.

Blog Pixie

As many of you know, last year I launched a second blog called Blog Pixie, a space to fill with blogging advice, tips and tricks. I didn't want to bombard my Flip And Style followers with blogging posts, as I thought only bloggers would find them interesting. Creating the second blog was an extra load of work and responsibility, but something I really wanted to do and I'm so happy I did it now.


Towards the end of the year, I launched my first product which was an eBook for bloggers called Blog Pretty. This took off in a way I never expected, and in turn, lead me to figure out what really makes me happy - helping other bloggers. I found a Richard Branson quote a while ago which I can't remember off the top of my head, but it was something like if you want to be successful, focus less on yourself and more on how you can help others. I think that is so very true. The moment I stopped being selfish and doing things just for me, things took off. I believe if you want to find success, fulfillment or joy, you need to figure out how you can create something or be someone who is of value to others. That whole notion has stuck with me and is something I'm taking with me moving forwards.

I'm currently updating my eBook, as there are parts in it now that have definitely changed for me in the last six months and I feel like I've learnt so much since writing it. So for those of you who have already bought it, you'll get to download the new version for free when I load it into Sendowl. It may take me a few more weeks to get it done, depending on what I can fit in, but you'll get an email when it's ready to re-download :)


I spent a few weeks coding a couple of Blogger templates to launch in my own Etsy store, something I'd wanted to do since Blog Pixie came about. I have been lucky enough to have the most beautiful customers (except for one, but that's a story for another day), all so kind and grateful for their new blog layouts and the time I put in installing them (for anyone who needs help).

I had heard a few different things about being a seller on Etsy which had me a bit nervous about starting on there, but it has been all good so far. I feel the more positive energy I put into it, the more I get out of it. I've become so used to working in all different time zones and I love the process of getting into the back of someone's blog, transforming it and seeing how good it looks afterwards. Customer service is such a big part of Etsy, so staying on top of all my Etsy messages every day is something I focus a lot on. I do plan to add more templates, but I'm not sure when exactly just yet!

Creative Market

A big milestone for me this year was opening a store on Creative Market, a design website I have become obsessed with in the last year or so. Even if you don't plan on buying anything, just visiting CM and scrolling through all the products from independent designers around the world can fill you with inspiration. Well, it has for me. I discovered Nicky Laatz a few years ago, a designer who is beyond talented and sells the most incredible products. I look up to her so much. Another girl who is so supportive is Skyla Design. She's always spreading love around CM and she creates really nice products as well.

My first product on Creative Market was the Pretty Textures Kit, a collection of texture images in rose gold, marble, glitter, foil and more which you can use to create all sorts of items for your blog, business or brand. I had been making different textures in Photoshop to use in my text, wallpapers, quotes and social media graphics, so I thought it might be a helpful item for anyone else who loves to create, to have all the best textures in the one pack :) Everyone has loved it so far, so I'm super happy about that.

For the past few weeks I've been working non-stop on my next product (which I launched just yesterday!) called the Blog Stylist Design Kit. I feel like a big part of what makes Flip And Style interesting is all the graphics that make up my blog posts and side bar, and just the little creative things I add every now and then. I created a kit which has all the graphics you could need to have a complete, styled blog and I made everything in the best colours and textures. You can revamp your brand with the shades included, or pull out individual elements to mix in with the colours you already have on your blog (e.g. if you just want to add a bit of rose gold). I created it to work in line with the templates I sell on Etsy, so if you own one and want to make it a little more creative and special, you'll love this kit.

I feel like I've come full circle in my design journey. I started creating graphics at the age of 11... buttons, glitters, pixel Dollz and more. Spent day after day with cups of tea and chocolate chip biscuits learning HTML and creating pretty glittery things with Paint Shop Pro. I then let it go for a while to study and work in fashion. I feel like I lost direction along the way and now somehow, I'm back doing what I believe I was meant to be doing all along. I find that so weird... it's funny how life works.

I'm terrible at focusing on one thing only. I try and do a million things at once, which can be overwhelming at times. I'm always bouncing around from one thing to the next. I thrive on the feeling of pushing myself to the limits though, and trying to achieve as much as possible. You only live once. Why cruise along doing the bare minimum when you can challenge yourself like crazy and relax at the very end of the day, knowing you've done everything you possibly can (without going insane). I feel the more I push myself creatively, the better I get. It all comes from practise and just doing what you love day in and out.

Since I started all of this design work, my hours at the computer have quadrupled and somehow I happened to lose a few notches of eyesight. I was already short-sighted and wore glasses and contacts, but it's scary what staring at a computer for too long can do to you! In light of the situation, it gave me a good excuse to buy some new glasses which are arriving this week and I can't wait to get them. I just have to take breaks from the screen here and there, as blurred vision and dizziness really isn't worth it.

Hope that explains my absence lately. I have a pile of great things around me right now which I'm looking forward to sharing with you in upcoming posts. So thank you for sticking around!



  1. YAY I am so glad that you started your own Etsy store! I can't wait to see what other themes you're going to create! Your other blog Blog Pixie helped me so much with my blog! Keep up the great work! x

    Nhi Archibald | Life with Nhi Archibald

    1. That's so nice to hear :) Glad you like it! x

  2. Oh yayay will check your Etsy store out! I just love your design!

    xx Lisa | lisaautumn.com

  3. I love the ebook as you know - I'm going to sign up as an affiliate I think, with a lot of my friends having purchased it! I look forward to seeing your add ons!

    Your blog stylist kit actually popped up in a creative market email just on Thursday about new products! It looks amazing and I'll have to buy it shortly, I find your textures kit so helpful :)

    Maddie | www.maddiesbeautyspot.com

    1. That's amazing, thank you so much Maddie :) I'll be creating new/better affiliate banners and tips on how to sell the book when it's all updated :) I'm glad you love the textures kit, I've been using it a lot myself!

  4. I love your style of blogging, definitely taking a look at your shop!

